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Nelli® By experts, for experts

We understand the complexity of epilepsy diagnosis and monitoring

Challenges with epilepsy diagnosis and monitoring

Nelli® uses an easy workflow and platform.
The combination of AI and human
expertise, without EEG, is revolutionary.


Camera at home or in a hospital

The PRU which includes a computer, camera, and microphone is placed over the bed, at the patient’s home or at the hospital. The camera allows for sub-millimeter accuracy. No wearables are involved.


Cloud algorithms

An examination can last for 24 hours to 28 days. The captured data is run through a series of individual algorithms in the cloud. Advanced machine learning techniques utilise this neural network in an optimal way.

Expert reviews data

NEL expert review

A team of experts reviews the results produced by the algorithms. This supervised learning allows to improve the algorithms and to provide a more accurate report.

Interactive report

Interactive report and videos

The patient’s report can be accessed on an easy to use dashboard. It includes a detailed overview of events. The video of the event can be reviewed as well.

When is Nelli® used?


An easy way to optimise the flow to the EMU, potentially eliminating the need for admission or allowing for better information when the patient gets admitted


Helping with differential diagnosis, classification, quantification of seizure types and complex case analysis – all based on objective information.

Treatment effect

Effective way to assess effect of treatment and treatment changes at home. Complements seizure diaries which are inaccurate.

Nelli® provides value

What physicians are saying about Nelli®